<p>I’m by no means an Emacs <a href="https://orgmode.org">org-mode</a> power user - in fact, anything but - but I do use org-mode a lot for note taking and also when I need an outliner to try and arrange ideas in a suitable manner. It excels at both, and usually does what I need including exporting to HTML. Exporting to HTML covers about 90% of my use cases. As much as I’d like to, LaTeX does not feature in my needs, but I needed to export an org-mode file for use with Microsoft…
<p>I mentioned in my <a href="https://www.lonecpluspluscoder.com/2019/04/08/unwelcome-surprise-homebrew-emacs-has-no-gui-after-os-x-mojave-update/">previous post</a> that I somehow had ended up with a non-working org2blog installation. My suspicion is that this was triggered by my pinning of the htmlize package to the “wrong” repo. I had it pinned to marmalade rather than melpa-stable, and marmalade had an old version of htmlize (1.39, from memory). The fact that marmalade is…
<p>Artur Malabarba over on Endless Parentheses has a <a href="http://endlessparentheses.com/embedding-youtube-videos-with-org-mode-links.html?source=rss">short post</a> about embedding a YouTube video directly from org-mode. I haven’t tried using it in org2blog yet, but I’m hoping/expecting that it’ll work there, too.</p>
<p>As mentioned in <a href="https://www.lonecpluspluscoder.com/2015/03/02/improving-my-blogging-workflow-using-emacs-of-course/">an earlier post</a>, I changed my blogging workflow to org2blog for writing and editing posts in Emacs and only push them up to my WordPress blog when the posts are almost done. I still do the final editing in WordPress so I can tweak the SEO settings and all that, but the majority of the work happens in <a href="http://orgmode.org/">org-mode</a> now.</p>
<p>I try not to post too many metablogging posts. Other people do it better and I’m trying to focus on journalling what I learn as a software engineer and manager, not what tools I use for blogging. However after losing another post to WordPress’s built-in editor I decided Something Must Be Done. I think this is only the second post I lost, but it’s a fairly regular occurrence for a journalist friend of mine and I really don’t have that much time to retype blog entries…