<p>Ben Simon has a post up on his blog describing how <a href="http://www.blogbyben.com/2018/04/a-little-scheme-setup-and-development.html">he set up a scheme development environment on his Galaxy S9 Android phone</a>. It was also an especially timely post as I had been eyeing a Mac Quadra with a Symbolics Lisp Machine extension card on eBay. As if we needed another reminder just how powerful current phones have become!</p>
<p>I’ve recently been working in <a href="http://clojure.org/">Clojure</a> on some code that really benefits from parallelization but doesn’t need to squeeze the last available cycle out of the machine.</p>
<p><a href="http://blog.regehr.org/archives/199">A</a> <a href="http://blog.regehr.org/archives/208">couple</a> of interesting articles about debugging. Debugging doesn’t seem to get a lot of attention when people are taught about programming, I assume you’re supposed to acquire this skill by osmosis, but it is actually one of those skills that should receive much greater attention because it’s one of those that separates highly productive developers from, well, not so…
<p>I normally don’t play much with hardware, mainly because there isn’t/wasn’t much I want to do that tends to require hardware that’s not a regular PC or maybe a phone or tablet. This one is different, because no self-respecting geek would want the usual rotary control “programmable” timer to run their sprinkler system, would they?</p>