<p>Emacs 25.3 has been <a href="https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/info-gnu/2017-09/msg00006.html">released</a> on Monday. Given that it’s a security fix I’m downloading the source as I write this. If you’re using the latest Emacs I’d recommend you update your Emacs. The vulnerability as been around since Emacs 19.29, you probably want to upgrade anyway.</p>
<p>A reader of this blog kindly pointed out that my instructions for <a href="https://www.lonecpluspluscoder.com/2016/10/08/how-to-build-gnu-emacs-25-1-on-xubuntu-16-04/">building Emacs 25.1</a> on Ubuntu 16.10 result in a core dump when the build process bootstraps emacs. I only tested the instructions on 16.04 so I hadn’t run into this issue yet.</p>
<p>Now that GNU Emacs 25.1 has been released, it is time for my customary “how to install Emacs 25.1 on a recent Ubuntu” post. In my case I’m using XUbuntu 16.04, but the instructions are pretty much the same for just about every recent Ubuntu version. The package versions of the referenced packages differ, but the package names haven’t changed since I first published one of these posts.</p>