The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

The continued diary of an experienced C++ programmer. Thoughts on C++ and other languages I play with, Emacs, functional, non functional and sometimes non-functioning programming.

Timo Geusch

2-Minute Read

<p>I grew up as a software developer on a steady diet of Dr Dobb’s magazines. I was hooked the first time I came across an issue of the magazine as a student in the university library and for most of my career I have been a subscriber to it, until the print magazine was cancelled. I was sad to read this morning that after 38 years of publication, first in print and then on the web, the online edition has now <a…

Timo Geusch

4-Minute Read

<p>In a <a href="" title="Improving the performance of Git for Windows">previous blog post</a> I explained how you can substantially improve the performance of git on Windows updating the underlying SSH implementation. This performance improvement is very worthwhile in a standard Unix-style git setup where access to the git repository is done using ssh as the transport layer. For a regular development…

Timo Geusch

4-Minute Read

<p>In my previous post, I discussed <a href="" title="Managing third party libraries in C++ projects">various strategies for managing third party libraries</a>. In this post I’ll discuss a couple of techniques you can use to ensure that a specific version of your source code will get compiled with the correct version of the required libraries.</p>

Timo Geusch

6-Minute Read

<p>Every reasonably sized C++ project these days will use some third party libraries. Some of them like <a href="">boost</a> are viewed as extensions of the standard libraries that no sane developer would want to be without. Then there is whatever GUI toolkit your project uses, possibly another toolkit to deal with data access, the <a href="">ACE libraries</a>, etc etc. You get the picture.</p>

Timo Geusch

3-Minute Read

<p>I’ve blogged about a little elisp snippet I use to install my preferred base set of Emacs packages <a href="" title="Install your basic Emacs packages via a single function call">before</a>. Thanks for all the feedback, it definitely helped improve the code.</p>

Timo Geusch

4-Minute Read

<p><em>I originally published this post on my old blog in 2009. I’ve edited it a little for readability but left the contents unchanged, so it may be out of date and not reflect the current state of the <a href="">pantheios</a> library. I also haven’t been using pantheios for logging since about 2010, and have been using <a href="">Boost.Log</a> instead.</em></p>

Timo Geusch

1-Minute Read

<p>The default setup for the <a href="">Mercurial</a> DVCS on Windows with <a href="">tortoisehg</a> uses <a href="">plink</a> and <a href="">Pageant</a> to manage SSH keys when you are using ssh as the transport protocol for mercurial. That’s most likely the right choice for a normal Windows…

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A developer's journey. Still trying to figure out this software thing after several decades.