The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

The continued diary of an experienced C++ programmer. Thoughts on C++ and other languages I play with, Emacs, functional, non functional and sometimes non-functioning programming.

Timo Geusch

1-Minute Read

The Raspberry Pis have landed. Guess which box contains the sensitive electronics and is worth about twice as much as the other one:

That’s right:

Geez Amazon, what is it about the shoddy packing when it comes to items that are bought via Amazon Fulfillment Services? This is not the first time I got something that can only be described as badly packaged.

The OpenSprinkler kit has also arrived, all I’m currently waiting for is a smaller memory card as the regular SD cards I bought are a little to big to fit into the OpenSprinkler case. Anyway, I should have the new hardware up and running on Friday.

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A developer's journey. Still trying to figure out this software thing after several decades.